Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome to the Farm

Soundkeeper's Farm at Stratford will be featuring a new blog here on the website. Each week either Paul Sankowski, Soundkeeper's farm manager, or Soundkeeper Terry Backer will keep you updated on what is going on at the Farm at Stratford. Its our hope to help communities transitition to a more sustainable lifestyle and buffer communites from resource limitations and costs.

Here on the Sustainable Community blog we will help you plan your planting, and provide tips for natural methods of pest control. In addition, we will be providing broad sustainability information on products and practices to improve your life, the environment and your pocketbook.

We have done a lot of work over the past three weeks and it's paying off already. We have 30 plots already assigned and need to break more ground soon!!. Several families have already planted various vegetables.

Come join us in our effort at the Farm or here virtually and join us in making communities more resilient and sustainable.